TaeSun experience in creative media covers several fields, including graphic art, traditional art, illustration, screen printing, fine art, and digital art.
She embraces traditional methods and is able to fuse those methods with 21st century digital technology.
As a fine artist in Korea, TaeSun’s journey to the United States introduced her to the world of cintiq, wacom tablet and screens, and Adobe creative suit.
As a result, she is not only skilled with a pen and brush, but a stylus and pixels as well.
TaeSun work has graced book covers, signs, package designs, wallpapers, editorial illustration, poster designs, children’s books, T-shirts, and commercial advertisements.
She has had exhibitions with the Savannah College of Art Design (SCAD) Beyond the Dot national competition, SCAD night, and exhibitions at DeKalb County book festivals and city libraries.
Her view on life is a simple one: ”My life is just like my artwork and my life is all about the natural world.
I feel that my work reflects how the world affects me, and I embrace the peace and quiet that the world gives me.
I meditate when I walk through the forest. It stirs the creative energies that I apply to my work; in the hope I am capturing the essence of life.”
“I put my soul into my work. I have to get my heart into it. I like to use bright colors and mixed media These things help me bring out the beauty in things that I see.”
But as a commercial artist, TaeSun recognizes the need to focus. “When I am commissioned for a project, I take time to understand what my customer wants and strive to create that vision.”
“I like to incorporate classical and beautiful techniques and styles in my art.
I do not want the old ways to fade away just because we can create them electronically.
My vision is to keep the flavor of the old masters and combine it with new generation art technology so that the new generations can still appreciate old world artistry.”